SKY-RED Integrated Marketing & Communications Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2009 . We are specialized in hosting varieties of big event, graphic design, commercial performances, annual internal marketing proposals and all kinds of exhibition and curation. We have serviced over millions of people in all activities and events in the past years. In 2017, we published a seasonal magazine “EVENT 365”, it is a magazine that talk about travel, art, events, music, food, and life for kids from all over the world. Also, “EVENT 365” is a whole new style of magazine in Taiwan. We give it for corporate clients in Taiwan and also sell in many bookstores whether online or indoor in Taiwan and Hong Kong. In 2018, we founded the unprecedented commercial performance website “SHOWOW” for matching artists and customers in a simple, fast and safe way. SKY-RED PR team consists of a number of senior event producers, professional designers and creative planners. We assist clients in different industries to accomplish all event tasks, to make campaign results perfect in every dimension. SKY-RED definition for creators is: “To create good things in bad time; to leave wonderful gifts in good time." Our philosophy is: “Never fear innovation in difficulties; never limit possibility in successes “.
Love & Simple
People, Stories, Emotions and Lands are the Roots of Activities.
人 . 故事 . 情感 跟土地 才是活動的根源

There will always be challenges!
We always look for new challenges and interesting projects. Call us.We’re here for you!

Event365生活誌 4月號/2020第10期
封面故事 EVENT 365 生活誌 2020/04春季號 黑暗裡有光, 在這段無情疫情肆虐的表演藝術產業黑暗期, 讓我們持續以藝術療癒心靈,互相加油、相挺度過! 隨著【EVENT 365 生活誌】春 […]

Event365生活誌 1月號/2020第9期
封面故事 EVENT 365 生活誌 2020/01冬季號 農曆新年將至, 路上輪播著年節歌曲及網路上各式樣年菜訂購, 每個人都引頸期待著春節來臨呢! 誠摯地邀請各位, 隨著【EVENT 365 生活 […]
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SKY RED = (Smile + Keep Going + Young) x (Responsibility + Exciting + Do)